Frequently asked questions

Order and delivery

When can I expect my order?

The average delivery time is 12-15 days. Our products are sent directly to you from the supplier. This unique business model allows us to save enormously on storage and transport costs and we can offer the products at a lower price than our competitors and pay the shipping costs ourselves.

The expected delivery time has passed, where is my order?

In 99% of cases, orders are delivered within the expected delivery time. Unfortunately, it can sometimes happen that an order is delayed in the delivery process. You can check the status of your order via the following link: Track my order>>

I am missing a number of products in my order, how is that possible?

Because we work with different suppliers, products may be shipped separately. If items are missing from your order, you will usually receive them after 2-3 days. We apologize for the inconvenience.

What are the shipping costs?

We will bear the shipping costs of the order.*

* It sometimes happens that we give away a number of items for FREE as a promotion. To cover the costs somewhat, we charge 8.95 euros in shipping costs.

Exchanges and returns

I am not satisfied with my order, can I return it?

Of course! You can return any order to us within 14 days without giving a reason

I want to return an item, what should I do?

If you are not satisfied with your order, you can exchange or return it within 14 days of receipt. Products must be returned in their original condition and with labels and labels. The product must not show any signs of use.

A return shipment must always have a Track & Trace code. The sender is always responsible for shipping. Once we have received the items you returned, we will ensure that the purchase amount is credited to your account within 14 days.

Track and Trace

Where can I find my Track and Trace number?

On this page you can enter your email address and order number to track your package.

The Track and Trace code does not provide any information, how is this possible?

Track and Trace information is available from the moment your package arrives at the mail order company. Please note that there may be some delay.